Debra Ann Osborne, MD, is a Psychiatrist with a Private Practice based out of Macon, Georgia. Macon is centrally located in Georgia, and patients frequently drive over an hour to meet with Dr. Osborne. Dr. Osborne will do Initial Evaluations, One Time Consults, Second Opinions and On-Going Treatment - whatever best suits the patient's individual needs.
Dr. Osborne has 20 years of experience and works in Child, Adolescent, Adult and Geriatric Psychiatry. She holds active memberships in the American Medical Association, American Psychiaric Association and Georgia Psychiatric Physicians Association. She has been honored with the title of Georgia State Representative for Women in Medicine. She has now been honored to have been nominated as an "International Top Doctor" for the year of 2015-2016. This nomination resulted from a selection of a jury of her peers and satisfied current and previous patients.
Dr. Osborne has served in several positions as Medical Director and Clinical Director (please refer to C.V. and personal brochure), and opened her Individual Private Practice June 1, 2014. To date, most of her business referrals have been via word of mouth from satisfied referral sources and patients, themselves. Please take a moment to review her "Patient Reviews" Section to hear from her patients in their own words. She has two active websites: WWW. and Feel free to review information about myself personally and patient testimonials on either site.
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Write a script for a medication aimed to treat a psychiatric illness.
After working with the patient to identify symptoms, diagnosing a mental illness or condition.
Psychotherapeutic approaches to treatment provide long-term help, including talk therapy, which can assist people with a range of mental illnesses and emotional difficulties.
Work with physicians, psychologists, social workers, psychiatric nurses, or other professionals to discuss treatment plans and progress.
Conduct patient evaluations and take detailed medical histories in order to best understand the patient.
Review diagnostic tests on patients to provide information on their general physical condition and mental disorder.
Frequently reviews a patient's medication schedule, side effects, and results.
Study quantitative data to determine effectiveness of treatments or therapies on different types of patients.
As a psychiatrist, {lastname} focuses on the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of cognition, behavior, and mood disorders.
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